Steve Bannon removed from National Security Council


President Donald Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon was removed from the National Security Council on Wednesday, according to Bloomberg.

The overhaul comes as newly appointed National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster takes responsibility for setting meeting agendas.

Shortly after the news broke, NBC News' Peter Alexander tweeted that Bannon's role on the National Security Council was an effort to "check on Mike Flynn." Following Michael Flynn's resignation and replacement by H.R. McMaster, Bannon was no longer needed on the council.

Chief strategist Steve Bannon

A senior White House official gave Reuters a similar statement, saying Bannon's presence on the NSC was no longer needed after the departure of Flynn.

Bannon was given a place on the NSC shortly after Trump's inauguration and was met with some backlash.

(Reuters contributed to this article)
