Lucky person finds the world's longest Cheeto

Whenever you open a snack bag and find more than air inside of it, it's always a treat.

For instance, how could we forget the Cheeto that looked like the late gorilla Harambe?

Though this particular savory delight does not resemble a meme or a celebrity or a historical figure, and it probably won't sell for nearly $100,000 on Ebay, it's still amazing.

Twitter user @weedbees shared a couple snaps of the abnormally long Cheeto that their roommate found.

It's ... incredible.

The cheesy monstrosity seems to be about a foot long, and some Twitter users are calling B.S. on it:

Cheeto truthers say that it's far too long to fit inside a bag. Others claim to be able to tell that it was joined together into a mega-Cheeto, like Frankenstein's monster.

According to BroBible, @weedbees's roommate ended up eating the serpentine snack. May it rest in peace, but not in pieces.
