Donald Trump has changed his Twitter habits since becoming president


It's no secret that Donald Trump uses his Twitter account often. It's how he communicates daily with his 27 million followers.

The Washington Post explained the syntax of his unique social media voice, noting that one of the most crucial elements of his style is the exclamation point. It is often delivered at the end of a one-to-two-word statement.

For example:

According to the Washington Post, between January 20 and March 31, the @realDonaldTrump account published 357 tweets -- and nearly 60 percent of those posts contained an exclamation point.

Compared to @BarackObama, that's a lot. Obama's account posted tweets at one-tenth the rate of Trump's, and only 22 percent of his posts contained an exclamation point.

Most of Obama's exclamation points were included in messages congratulating people, whereas Trump's were used for a variety of reasons -- advertising appearances, congratulations, insults and threats.

The Washington Post notes that Trump's Twitter style as president is actually quite different from what it used to be.

"He used to frequently send out tweets containing two (!!), three(!!!), four (!!!!) and up to 15 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) exclamation points at a time," the article says.

The practice stopped on Jan. 20, which implies he may be trying to appear more "presidential."

According to a McClatchy-Marist poll, 70 percent of voters, including 45 percent of Republicans, view his Twitter use as "reckless and distracting."

Trump is aware of the controversy. Less than a year ago, he told a crowd of supporters that he would give up tweeted after he became president, saying it's "not presidential."

Read what Trump has been saying on Twitter:

[H/T The Washington Post]
