Creator of 'Cards Against Humanity' is determined to buy Congress' internet history

The creator of "Cards Against Humanity," a party game in which players complete fill-in-the-blank statements using typically offensive phrases using playing cards, is now waging war against legislation.

Max Temkin announced that he wants to purchase and publish Congress's internet history.

The businessman reposted a news article by Ars Technica discussing the House of Representatives' vote on privacy regulations between ISPs and advertisers. Since he shared it, the House voted in favor of allowing ISPs to sell citizen's personal data to advertisers without their consent.

The legislation has internet privacy activists worried that businesses will eventually be able to buy users' browsing history.

That's when Temkin comes in — he has vowed to buy "the browser history of every congressman and congressional aide" and "publish it" for the public's knowledge, so Congress gets a taste of their own medicine.

According to The Verge, Temkin can't do this.

The Telecommunications Act prohibits sharing "individually identifiable" customer information. So, if he asked a company for the information of one specific person, it's pretty clearly illegal.

The Verge article also references the Wiretap act, which "makes it illegal to divulge the contents of electronic communications without the parties' consent."

In response, Temkin took to Reddit to suggest no one really knows how the data will be available once the privacy regulations are unchained, so he might be able to get his hands on the data regardless of the laws.

"If and when any data becomes available, myself and Cards Against Humanity will do whatever we can [to] acquire it and publish it," Temkin said. "This may take a long time. We may have to file FOIA requests. We may have to buy browsing data for Congressional office building ZIP codes and then p-hack our way to statistical significance in an attempt to fish spurious correlations out of unreliable datasets, but we've done it before."

Temkin is known for his political stunts. He once arranged for pork rectums and potatoes to be mailed to a senator until he agreed to hold a town hall on the Affordable Care Act.
