Daily Mail criticized for sexist 'Legs-It' front page

Tuesday's cover of U.K. paper The Daily Mail drew criticism practically immediately upon release.

The tabloid featured world leaders, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and British Prime Minister Theresa May, with the caption, "Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it!"

Credit: The Daily Mail

According to The Guardian, the comparison of the women's legs continued inside the paper. A headline read, "Finest weapons at their command? Those pins!" Furthermore, a column by Sarah Vine said that Sturgeon's legs were "altogether more flirty, tantalizingly crossed ... a direct attempt at seduction."

Social media was swift with its critiques, from both British politicians and the public.

Yvette Cooper, Labor Member of Parliament, said on Twitter: "It's 2017. Two women's decisions will determine if United Kingdom continues to exist. And front page news is their lower limbs. Obviously."

Cooper was far from alone in her outrage. Check out what others had to say:

The Daily Mail has not released a statement as of Tuesday morning.

This is a developing story.
