Donald Trump Jr.'s tweet labeled tone deaf in wake of London attack

Moments after what police are calling a "terrorist incident" in London on Wednesday, President Donald Trump's oldest son posted a tweet that had social media users up in arms.

Donald Trump Jr., 39, shared a Telegraph article from Sept. 22, 2016. The headline says the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said dealing with terror attacks is "part and parcel" of living in a major city.

Though it seems Trump's intent was to call out the insensitivity of the mayor for making such a blunt statement, Twitter users are criticizing Trump for taking the quote out of context. It's part of a larger statement about the importance of vigilance, not an order to become complacent with terror.

Another Twitter user criticized the way Trump leveraged the quote, saying that the mayor's intent was to say that attacks don't stop residents from living their lives.

Another criticized how Trump decided to post the article just moments after the horrifying attack.

Most seem to agree that Trump missed a crucial part of the quote — the word "threat." They find the threat of terrorism to be a part of city life — not the act itself.

The headline does not include the essential word, but the first sentence of the story does.

See how others have responded to the tweet:
