Amputee man adopts amputee dog

Meet Minmi, a two-year-old Maltese-poodle mix.

Once a stray, she has a new owner, with whom she has a lot in common.

They are both amputees.

"I'm the new dad. That's my job."

Bob Padilla lost his own leg to diabetes and with his wife Bonnie recently lost their dog as well.

The Santa Clara couple found out about Minmi, whose leg was amputated after a car accident, on the news.

An anonymous donor who paid for Minmi's amputation wanted an amputee to adopt her.

"Got up that morning, saw the 3-legged dog on the TV... I had been waiting for a sign of when we were gonna be ready to adopt again," says Minmi's new owner, Bonnie Garza.

"I thought, well honey, what bigger sign could you get than that? I'm an amputee!," adds Bob Padilla.

Now the two amputees are inseparable, linked by their own losses. Though Padilla doesn't see it that way.

"After I lost the leg I didn't look at it as a disability. It was a challenge, a hurdle. Once you get over it you move on... it's not that big of a deal," Padilla says.

And move on, he did.

So much so that six months after he lost his leg, he competed in a swim from Alcatraz across San Francisco Bay.

It's a can-do attitude the couple says is exemplified by Minmi every day.

%shareLinks-quote="How can you beat this? Look at this face. This is unconditional love!" type="quote" author="Bob Padilla" authordesc="Minmi's new owner " isquoteoftheday="false"%

An unconditional love that's helped keep man and dog on their feet.
