Bill Nye issues open letter to President Trump about the future of space travel

Bill Nye, CEO of The Planetary Society, issued an open letter to President Donald Trump on Tuesday, stating his recommendations for the government's investments in NASA.

The scientist offered the president five recommendations for the U.S. space program in a letter and video, urging Trump to use the bipartisan support for NASA to advance space exploration.

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"You have the opportunity to provide clear direction to our nation's space program," Nye said. "The advances and discoveries made on your watch could be historic."

Nye emphasized that the country should maintain its focus on Mars, saying that the U.S. could have humans on the red planet in 15 years.

"We strongly recommend," Nye said. "Let's maintain all of the existing programs: Robotic missions, crew capsules and rocket programs."

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Nye urged the president to embrace NASA and all the different jobs the agency provides and said his organization feels the government should increase spending on NASA by five percent each year for the next five years.

Nye's non-governmental space advocacy group previously provided Trump's transition team with a 16-page document on the future of the country's space programs. It is still unclear where the president stands on space exploration and NASA.

The Trump administration has expressed interest in a "rapid" return to the moon and a return to manned missions.

Watch the full video below:
