Good samaritans save elderly woman walking across train tracks just in the nick of time


An 89-year-old New Jersey woman was saved from a possible tragedy when a good samaritan leaped into action to move her out of the way of an oncoming train.

Police say the elderly woman was crossing a set of railroad tracks around 2 p.m. Wednesday.

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In a dash cam video recorded of the scary moment, the woman is seen walking slowly across the tracks after the railroad crossing warning signals have already come down.

Jonathan Mango, 28, and an unidentified Good Samaritan rush to her aid and help her get off the tracks moments before a NJTransit train speeds past.

"I saw the train was really coming. I sprinted onto the tracks, and I pulled her by the arm," Mango told CBSNews. "She actually stopped because she was scared, so then I tried grabbing her arm and then really tried pulling her. She was having a lot of trouble."

Thankfully the men showed up just in time.

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"The woman is always walking through our community and in all types of weather conditions attracting many to gaze and many others to offer assistance," Saddle Brook Police Chief Robert Kugler said in a statement."She certainly had the angels watching over her today and the two individuals, angels themselves without a doubt, saved her from this near disaster."

Mango said he isn't a hero and he just saw that "something needed to be done."

"Just an ordinary Wednesday," Mango told the station,.

The elderly woman was reportedly uninjured. .

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