Kim Jong Nam's son purportedly speaks in new video

A video purportedly of Kim Han Sol, son of Kim Jong Nam, was published on YouTube Wednesday, and circulated in South Korea. The video has yet to be fully confirmed, but his identity is seen as likely, based on previous appearances.

The mysterious death of Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, in Kuala Lumpur last month has been widely blamed on North Korea, though Pyongyang denies this.

"My father has been killed a few days ago," the man says in English in the clip. "I'm currently with my mother and my sister... We hope this gets better soon." The Washington Post reports Kim Han Sol is 21 or 22.

The video was posted on the YouTube channel of Cheollima Civil Defense, which says it works with North Korean defectors.

CCD said on its website that it responded to an "emergency request" by Kim Jong Nam's family and helped move the three. CCD thanked the Netherlands, China, the United States and a "fourth government to remain unnamed" for their help in the matter, the CBC reports.

North Korean and Malaysian relations have disintegrated over the handling of Kim Jong Nam's death on Malaysian territory.

Tuesday the two sides banned each other's respective citizens from leaving the other's country.

"You'd have to go back a long way for this kind of wholesale diplomatic meltdown," Euan Graham, of the Lowy Institute, an Australian policy think tank in Sydney, told Reuters.

Graham called Kim Jong Nam's death "the most outrageous public murder that you can imagine," one that used "a chemical weapon in a crowded international airport."
