Stephen King trolls Donald Trump's wiretapping tweets


By Emily Drooby, Buzz60

Stephen King is, well, let's just say, not the biggest Donald Trump fan.

So it was only natural that he responded to the wire-tapping tweet heard around the world.

But instead of the standard tweet-back attack, Stephen King wrote his own mini-book plot.

See more on Donald Trump:

The tweets started off on a comical note, reading:

Not only did Obama tap Trump's phones, he stole the strawberry ice cream out of the mess locker.

But they quickly turned into a thriller:

Obama tapped Trump's phones IN PERSON! Went in wearing a Con Ed coverall. Michelle stood guard while O spliced the lines. SAD!

But in true Stephen King fashion, it was all about the plot twist at the end:

Trump should know OBAMA NEVER LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE! He's in the closet! HE HAS SCISSORS!

This weekend #IfIWereWireTapped was also trending on Twitter, thanks to Trump's tweets.

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