Melania Trump to sit with special guests at President Trump's congressional address

President Trump will deliver his first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, in front of lawmakers, Supreme Court justices, and dignified guests alike.

As the president prepares for his speech -- which will reportedly focus on his many campaign promises, including tax reform and increased military spending -- many are wondering whether first lady Melania Trump will be present at the Capitol Hill event.

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Melania Trump has been mostly absent from the White House since her husband's assuming the presidency, as she remains primarily located in New York with 10-year-old son, Barron, until he finishes his school year in Manhattan. While the first lady hosted the Governor's Ball on Saturday, and was present in Washington to meet with the wives of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the question remained as to whether Melania Trump would be attending the Tuesday night address.

RELATED: Melania Trump during her first 100 days as first lady

The Associated Press reports that the first lady will be seated in the gallery along with special guests invited to attend the speech by President Trump. While this is not an official State of the Union address, this seating arrangement is customary during the annual presidential event.

Three of those on the guest list -- Jessica Davis, Susan Oliver and Jamiel Shaw, Sr. -- are individuals who had family members killed by undocumented immigrants in the United States. Both Davis' and Oliver's husbands were police officers killed in the line of duty.

SEE ALSO: Report: Melania Trump could have faced priority deportation 20 years ago

The guest lists also includes Megan Crowley, whose father founded a drug company that helped keep her alive and Denisha Merriweather, who used the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship to attend private high school. The widow of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Maureen McCarthy Scalia, will also be seated with the first lady.

RELATED: First Family: Meet Melania Trump
