Poll: Majority concerned about Trump administration's relationship with Russia


President Donald Trump's ties to Russia have been questioned since the 2016 campaign cycle when Trump repeatedly praised leader Vladimir Putin and mushroomed when details of Russia's so-called "hacking" of the election emerged -- and now many are worried about the White House's current ties to the country.

A new AOL News poll finds the majority of those surveyed are concerned with the Trump administration's relationship with Russia.

Of those polled, 52 percent said they are concerned, compared to 45 percent of respondents who said they are not concerned about the international relationship. Three percent said they aren't sure.

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The president's ties with Russia were thrust back into the spotlight this month after reports revealed then-senior national security advisor Michael Flynn had mislead Vice President Mike Pence, in addition to other senior officials, about his communications with Sergey Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States.

Flynn ultimately resigned, just 24 days after taking the position. Trump took to Twitter shortly after, slamming "illegal leaks" to the media and saying the main reason for Flynn's resignation was because he lied to Vice President Mike Pence.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer explained Flynn's exit occurred after "the level of trust between the president and Gen. Flynn had eroded to the point where he felt he had to make a change."

The New York Times released a report prior to after Trump's response that alleged phone records and intercepted calls showed that Trump's campaign was in contact with Russian intelligence officials repeatedly before the 2016 election.

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The president denied the report and during the same press conference, calling any media reports on Russian ties "fake news" and a "ruse." "I have nothing to do with Russia," Trump said. "To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does."

Some of Trump's fellow Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have acknowledged they are unsure whether they believe the president when he says his campaign had no communication with Russian officials prior to the Nov. 8 election.

** Polls conducted by AOL.com do not use scientific sampling. Surveys sample thousands of users and consistently reflect results to polls administered by other outlets.
