Poll: Trump's approval rating hits another historic low


Donald Trump's approval rating has been historically low since entering the White House in January, and over the weekend the president's numbers once again hit a new low.

According to a new Gallup poll, now just 40 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as president, and 55 percent disapprove. That's a three percent drop from Trump receiving a 43 percent approval rating just this past Wednesday.

To put Trump's current numbers in perspective, Barack Obama held a 64 percent approval rating, according to Gallup, in mid February of his first year as president back in 2009. George W. Bush, with a 57 percent approval, also had significantly higher numbers than Trump at this same moment in his presidency.

Trump entered the White House with a 45 percent approval rating, the lowest in history, and has since fallen 5 percentage points lower in less than three weeks.

However, other polls suggest Trump's approval rating, while still historically low, may not be as dire as Gallup reports. The Rasmussen daily Presidential Tracking Poll last reported on Friday that Trump had a 52 percent approval rating--considerably higher than Gallup's reported 40 percent.

But even Rasmussen's more positive numbers still show a significant slide in support among those polled since Trump was sworn in as president. At his peak, days after the inauguration, Trump held a 59 percent approval rating, according to Rasmussen--but over the course of less than three weeks, the billionaire businessman has seen a 7 point drop.

The president has persistently swatted away poor approval numbers as "fake news," similarly to how he dismissed low polling during his campaign.

"Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting," Trump tweeted last week.

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