Amazing video shows teacher has personalized handshake with each student


Looking back on elementary school, there may be one or two teachers that we fondly remember. This fifth grade teacher will definitely be the one his students will never forget.

Barry White, Jr. teaches English at Ashley Park PreK-8 School in Charlotte, North Carolina. Before he starts class every morning, he performs handshakes with each of his students. And yes, every one has an individualized shake.

White spoke with ABC News about the ritual. It began with a fourth grader last year, who would wait for him every morning for her handshake. "This year I started making handshakes with the kids at recess," he said. "It was just one or two students and then it became contagious."

The teacher saw how much the shakes meant to the children, so he started doing them with more and more. Now, he does it before class starts with many of Ashley Park's students.

Good Morning America shared a video of the spectacle on Facebook:

The video has swept social media, amassing more than 35 million views as of Thursday morning.

How does White remember so many handshakes? "It's muscle memory at this point," he told ABC. "I do it so much with them. They love coming up to me and doing it. I just know the certain moves that go with certain kids because it's personalized."

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The students aren't the only ones that love the handshakes -- the school's administration does too. The principal of Ashley Park, Meaghan Loftus, told ABC, "The only way to help our scholars achieve at high levels every day is to embrace the need for a meaningful and deep relationships."

White's handshakes definitely make meaningful connections with students. She said, "Barry's handshakes represent his own authentic take on building those relationships."
