Saudi prince buys 80 plane tickets for unusual guests

Plane travel would be a lot more fun if you could buy out the plane ... well, one Saudi prince did just that, and brought along a few friends.

Reddit user lensoo shared a photo a friend of his took on a plane:

"My captain friend sent me this photo," they said. "Saudi prince bought ticket for his 80 hawks."

The photo demonstrates just that: 80 hawks on a plane with their owner.

Check out other animals in unusual spots

This is not the first time hawks have been guests aboard a flight. A similar photo was shared on Reddit four years ago:

One commenter on that thread explained the odd sight: "For those wondering, this is probably one of the gulf states royal families going hunting," they said. "Stuff like this is common to a lesser degree in the Gulf on regular flights. If you fly Etihad or Emirates or Qatar enough you will eventually see someone flying in first class with a falcon sitting next to them."

In the United Arab Emirates, hawks could have their own passports. There are also laws against discrimination towards falcons. "So if a falconer comes into Starbucks and requests a chair for his falcon," that commenter explained, "you have to give it to him and let the falcon sit there in the store."
