President Trump echoes Steve Bannon, refers to media as 'opposition party'


President Donald Trump parroted chief White House strategist Steve Bannon on Monday by referring to the media as the "opposition party."

Last week, Bannon told the New York Times, "The media here is the opposition party," adding, "They don't understand this country."

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Bannon also said the "media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while," when speaking to the Times during a telephone interview.

Tensions between Trump's team and the media have intensified, with the president recently referring to CNN as "fake news" and BuzzFeed as a "failing pile of garbage." Trump also fixated on news stories related to inauguration attendance.

Bannon, who ran right-wing organization Breitbart News until joining Trump's team, is often credited for shaping Trump rhetoric — especially when things the president says get called into question by the mainstream media.

Also Read:Steve Bannon Says Media Should 'Keep Its Mouth Shut'

Trump and his team already have an established track record when it comes to devising nicknames and buzzwords that stick among the president's supporters, including, "Crooked Hillary," "Lying Ted" and "Little Marco." Now, it appears, they are hoping the term "opposition party" takes root as a descriptor for the press.

Since Bannon used the term "opposition party," which is now being echoed by the president, many journalists and observers alike have criticized it, saying it is designed to both discredit the media and label press members as the enemy:

Read original story President Trumps Echoes Steve Bannon, Refers to Media as 'Opposition Party' At TheWrap
