Hillary Clinton blasts Trump's refugee ban: 'This is not who we are'

Hillary Clinton has spoken out in support of protesters demonstrating against President Trump's executive order temporarily banning refugees and immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries.

She wrote in a message posted to Twitter late Saturday, "I stand with the people gathered across the country tonight defending our values & our Constitution. This is not who we are."

Trump defended his controversial move to the public, tweeting on Sunday, "Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Look what is happening all over Europe and, indeed, the world – a horrible mess!"

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According to NPR, thousands of people protested his action at airports across the country; some had notable attendees such as city mayor Marty Walsh and Senator Elizabeth Warren at Boston's Logan International airport.

Lawyers battling against the temporary ban achieved a victory Saturday night when a U.S. District judge granted an emergency stay, but only impacted citizens who had already arrived in the U.S. or those with valid visa who were in transit.

The DHS had at one point reported that 109 visitors at U.S. airports and 173 foreigners headed to the U.S. were kept from officially setting foot onto American soil because of the sudden ban issued on Friday.

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The ban impacts residents from predominantly Muslim countries of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen for three months and blocks Syrian refugees indefinitely.
