Trump's proclamation is distinctly different from his predecessors

By Nick Cardona, Buzz60

President Trump declared his inauguration Day as a National Day of Patriotic Devotion.

He made it his first official proclamation--honoring his own inauguration.

The presidential proclamation continues the tradition that started with President George H.W. Bush in 1989.

The mini-addresses can set the tone for the entire presidency.

And when looking back at previous proclamations, Trump's strikes a much different tone than his predecessors.

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It reads in part, quote, "A new national pride stirs the American soul and inspires the American heart. There are no greater people than the American citizenry, and as long as we believe in ourselves, and our country, there is nothing we cannot accomplish."

George H.W. Bush's proclamation declared a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving,

Bill Clinton's read, a National Day of Fellowship and Hope

And President Obama his first proclamation declared a National Day of Reconciliation and Renewal.

Trump's is also the first proclamations to not explicitly invoke God.
