Internet erupts over the name Mike Pence reportedly calls his wife


A biting story about Vice President Mike Pence published by Rolling Stone has taken social media by storm -- and it's not because of the radical allegations made about his political history.

The article shares an unsourced story about a dinner party Pence hosted as governor of Indiana. His staff reportedly recommended he invite Democratic leaders to the event in order to help heal their relationship.

During the dinner, Pence reveals to the unknown source and other guests that he refers to his wife, Karen, as "mother:"

"Mother, Mother, who prepared our meal this evening?"

The legislators looked at one another, speaking with their eyes: He just called his wife "Mother."

Maybe it was a joke, the legislator reasoned. But a few minutes later, Pence shouted again.

"Mother, Mother, whose china are we eating on?"

This moment went viral quickly as many Twitter users criticized his word choice:

Other people defended the name, suggesting it may be a cultural difference:

The vice president has not released an official response to the story.

Read more about how people are reacting: