Did President Trump 'snub' Bob Dole, while Obama embraced him?

By Nathan Rousseau Smith, Buzz60

It's been a whirlwind couple of days since President Donald Trump took the oath of office.

And while President Trump has many people to thank for helping him secure his place in the White House, some argue, he didn't spend enough time with this man, Bob Dole.

As he left his swearing in ceremony, Trump briefly greeted the former presidential candidate and former Senate Majority Leader Dole as well as his wife Elizabeth, a former senator.

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Immediately following, outgoing President Obama stopped to embrace the 93-year-old Republican and his wife for about 15 seconds, with outgoing VEEP Joe Biden doing the same.

Given the stark contrast in greeting styles, users on Twitter were quick to criticize Trump's exchange, while praising Obama for showing class in the face of their political differences.

Dole endorsed Trump after he clinched the nomination and attended the RNC convention.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer initially said Dole would help with Trump's transition efforts in an official capacity, but later said those efforts would actually be unofficial.
