All in the Family: The Trump grandkids take in the White House

The Trump grandkids seem to be having a grand time in their first weekend inside the White House.

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Donald Trump, Jr. posted a photo of his five-year-old son, Tristan, wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume while eating dinner inside America's most famous home.

His wife, Vanessa, was filmed bowling inside the White House in high heels.

Donald Jr. also posted photos of his family during the Inauguration, showcasing his children's excitement.

Donald's sister, Ivanka, also posted a photo of her family inside the White House with her father, the 45th president of the United States.

Meanwhile, the president has made some changes to the Oval Office. Each president that comes into the Oval Office personalizes it to their liking.

There are new gold curtains, a new sunburst-pattern carpet and new brocade couches. Trump kept the bust of Martin Luther King, Jr., and also restored the bust of iconic British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which was removed by Obama in 2009.

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Trump also removed the carpet Obama had installed, which featured quotes from American history.

The president will continue to use the Resolute Desk, which was gifted to President Rutherford B. Hayes from Queen Victoria in 1880. It has been used by every president since, with the exception of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

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