Woman writes hilarious obituary for herself

Obituaries are often, understandably, a daunting and sad task to write. Sometimes family members take it on, other times newspaper writers. In this woman's case, though, she decided to take it into her own hands -- and have fun with it, too.

Kay Ann Heggestad sadly passed away on January 13 of this year. Heggestad, a doctor from Wisconsin, lost her two year battle with bone marrow cancer. In addition to medicine, she enjoyed playing poker -- and had a great sense of humor.

"Humor and comedy were very important to her her entire life," her son, Greg, told local news outlet FOX 47. "She'd always make us laugh, no matter what."

Check out another funny obituary

According to her daughter, Johanna, she had been writing it since she found out she had cancer: "Probably pretty soon after the diagnosis, she started talking about writing her own," she said to FOX 47.

Paul Wertsch, Heggestad's husband, said that the funny obituary was aligned with her views on death. "She didn't think death was that bad," he told FOX 47, "it was just another phase and when you die, you die. She wanted to have people laugh over it."

Heggestad indeed injected humor into her self-written obituary; it resonated with many, and has been shared on social media hundreds of times. Many, who have never met Heggestad, thought it was powerful.

The obituary began with: "Kay Ann Heggestad, age 72, bought the farm, is no more, has ceased to be, left this world, is bereft of life, gave up the ghost, kicked the bucket, murió, c'est fini."

She also did not shy away from her diagnosis, either:

She died on Friday, Jan. 13, 2017, after a wimpy non-battle with multiple myeloma, a nasty bone marrow cancer, after almost two years to the date of diagnosis. No one should say she fought a courageous battle, because she did not! Unlike most folks, she complained all the way. What a whiner!

Read Heggestad's obituary in full here, and the one her family wrote for her here.
