Teenager ignites controversy with powerful T-shirt

A photo of a teenager from Texas went viral when social media users noticed a powerful but controversial statement on his shirt.

Aaron, 17, told BuzzFeed News he wore the shirt because he "had problems in the past with people being homophobic."

He first spotted the shirt on Instagram being sold by Green Box Shop.

"I have been a victim of bulling because I am gay and, yes, I have overcome all of those obstacles in my life, and when I saw the shirt I was amazed because of the message the shirt says," he told BuzzFeed.

Aaron said the shirt spoke to him.

"'Just be quiet,' as in, 'If you have nothing nice to say, just don't say it at all," he said.

The post sparked a massive debate on Twitter about homophobia and freedom of speech.

See how people reacted to his shirt on social media:
