Disturbing footage shows Isabelle Fabre being stalked by shark

Simply seeing a shark while on vacation is enough to make your heart stop -- but one travel blogger was stalked by one.

Isabelle Fabre, the French woman behind "Travelling with Isa," was shadowed by a great white while kitesurfing off the coast of Fitzgerald River National Park in West Australia.

"As usual, I was first thinking that it was my kite shadow... but no. Then I thought it was a dolphin trick. You know, when they spring out just in front of you! But no," Fabre explained in French, according to Mashable.

"When it passed beneath me, I realized it was a huge great white shark."

Fabre said she struggled to get herself out of the water as the winds died down, and the drone's operator urged her to get out of the water.

"Finally I reached the beach. I was shaking," Fabre said. Just listening to that story has us shaking, too.
