The bizarre $10 million libel lawsuit of a 'dead' tweeter and James Woods

By Sam Berman, Buzz60

Actor James Woods is pursuing a $10 million dollar defamation lawsuit against an anonymous twitter user who has reportedly died.

The user, who went by the twitter name, Abe List, called the actor a "cocaine addict."

According to the complaint, Woods brought on the lawsuit to send a message to those using social media who "propagate lies and do harm."

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Over recent court objections that Woods, according to the defendant's lawyer, was looking to harass a deadman's family, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruled for the defendant to identify his deceased client.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, after hearing about the death of the anonymous defendant WoodsTweeted,

"Learn this. Libel me, I'll sue you. If you die, I'll follow you to the bowels of Hell. Get it?"

According to the defendant's Lawyer, Kenneth White's, opposition,

Woods claims he does not seek to harass or abuse quote his client's survivors, However White argued that Wood's tweets in reaction to the lawsuit are doing just that.
