Canadian man punches cougar attacking his dog outside a Tim Hortons


Remember earlier this month when the most quintessentially Australian video ever went viral?

Well, get ready for some wild deja vu, because this is officially the most Canadian thing you will read this year, maybe ever.

On December 26 -- yes, Boxing Day -- a Canadian man put bravery before wit when he punched a cougar to stop it from attacking his dog, according to Reuters.

The hero in question, 31-year-old William Gibb from Red Deer, Alberta, had reportedly stopped on his way to work at a Tim Hortons outlet, a popular Canadian fast-food chain, to let his dogs out for a bathroom break.

Shortly thereafter, Gibb heard his 80-pound Husky Sasha whimpering in pain, and after venturing into a nearby wooded area to check on her, his worst fears were confirmed.

Gibb saw his beloved dog, helplessly pinned down underneath a large cougar.

So what did he do? He literally clobbered the massive jungle animal.

"He punched the cougar, yelled at it and got it to release the dog," the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Sergeant Tom Kalis told Reuters. "Then he called the police. He was quite lucky."

Sasha reportedly needed some medical attention but Gibb was not seriously injured, according to the RCMP.

"She's a tough one," Gibb told Global News Canada. "She's been pretty quiet, just recovering. It'll take her a few days to get back to her normal self."

Unfortunately, due to the cougar's close proximity to the popular establishment, and "because it was ready to pounce on officers," police shot and killed the animal upon arrival.

Oh, Canada.

RELATED: See photos from Barack Obama's visit to Canada:
