18 years post-impeachment, Bill Clinton is as popular as ever

There's probably no political comeback story more interesting than President Bill Clinton's. On Dec. 19, 1998, the House of Representatives voted to impeach the president for perjury and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

"To the president, I would say, 'Sir, you had done great damage to this nation over this past year,'" Rep. Bob Livingston said.

See the Clintons and Al Gore through the years

He became the second president, after Andrew Johnson, to actually be impeached. But just five weeks later, the Senate voted to acquit Clinton, saving his presidency in the process.

Despite months of investigation and trial, Clinton's approval rating never took a hit. It actually only got higher, reaching 73 percent at the end of 1998.

That might be because the unemployment rate hit its lowest point in 30 years, with 115 consecutive months of growth.

Since 1998, the 42nd president has done what every other modern former commander-in-chief does. He built a library, wrote a memoir, went on speaking tours and created a foundation in his name.

Clinton's post-office approval rating remains the highest of any living former president, especially as he stood by his wife as she ran for the presidency.

For each of Hillary Clinton's races for the White House -- both in 2008 and 2016 -- Bill Clinton has hit the campaign trail hard to drum up support for his wife.

While he's officially not moving back to his old house in a new role, it's unclear what's next for Clinton. One thing we do know he'll be doing is being the dutiful political spouse again. This time, representing New York as part of the Electoral College, voting for his wife for president of the United States.
