Petition asks government to name Navy ship 'USS The Deplorables'


By Patrick Jones, Buzz60

When it comes to naming United States government ships we usually stick to naming it after a past President, a war hero and then cities and states that sit under the red white and blue.

There's a new suggestion and it's on one of those White House petitions where if they get enough suggestions the White House will have to answer.

See more related to this story:

Here's the petition request, where they are people who want to name the next major U.S. navy ship"USS the Deplorables."

Of course, that's a reference to a quote during the Presidential campaign when Hillary Clinton said quote 'you know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.

The petition continues on to say the reasoning is to honor those citizens who rose up to defend America and the constitution from the globalists.

Just interesting to do that by naming a ship which would in theory travel the globe.

The petition is nowhere near its mark to get a response. It's sitting at just north of 3,700 signatures and needs to get to 100,000 in about two weeks.

So it doesn't look like the White House is going to have to say anything about this, but just tweet President-elect Donald Trump the link.

There's a chance he'll respond.
