Trump to keep close to 1,000 factory jobs in UTX's Carrier plant: CNBC


(Reuters) - United Technologies Corp has reached a deal with President-elect Donald Trump and vice president-elect Mike Pence to keep about 1,000 jobs in its Carrier plant in Indianapolis, Carrier said in a tweet.

Trump, Pence and United Technologies' Carrier officials will meet in Indianapolis on Thursday afternoon, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Another source told Reuters that more details about the financial incentives involved in the decision to retain the jobs would be released on Thursday at an event in Indiana.

The decision will impact jobs at the Indianapolis Carrier plant, but not a separate United Technologies Electronic Controls plant in Huntington, Indiana, the source said.

CNBC, which earlier reported on the deal, said the agreement would include new inducements from the state, and would be spearheaded by Pence, who is governor of Indiana.

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders turned up the pressure on Trump, on Saturday, about his pledge to try to stop the Indiana air conditioner manufacturer from moving 1,400 jobs to Mexico.

Both Sanders, who challenged Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, and Trump seized on an announcement earlier this year by United Technologies's Carrier division that it would shift production to Mexico as an example of how trade deals hurt U.S. workers.
