New poll results show America is a deeply divided nation


Most Americans think that the U.S. is more divided this year, and many also feel dissatisfied with democracy in the country, according to a new poll conducted by CNN and ORC International.

A report about the results shows that participants were asked a number of questions including one which read, "Do you think the country is or is not more deeply divided this year on the major issues facing the country than it has been in the past several years?"

Eight-five percent answered, "Yes, more deeply divided" compared to 76 percent in January 2013.

They were also asked, "Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way democracy is working in this country?"


Fifty-eight percent responded that they were "dissatisfied" which is similar to the result in February 2010.

Interestingly, people were evenly split in their thoughts about the Republican control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives, with 49 percent saying it will be good for the country and 49 percent indicating it will be bad.

The report notes that the results were based on telephone interviews conducted this month with just over a thousand adult Americans.

RELATED: America divided after historical election
