CEO threatens to kill Donald Trump on Facebook


Though many companies and their leaders chose to stay silent or even support the results of the 2016 U.S. election, Matt Harrigan took a different route.

The CEO of San Diego-based cybersecurity firm PacketSled, publicly threatened to kill President-elect Donald Trump.

That statement, along with other brash ones he made, were gathered and posted to Reddit by user chipotlemcnuggies.

"I'm going to kill the president-elect," Matt Harrigan wrote on his personal Facebook page. "[G]etting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the whitehouse that suits you motherf*cker. I'll find you."


He posted an apology quickly after to PacketSled's website, saying that the threats were just a joke, according to The Next Web:

My recent Facebook comment was intended to be a joke, in the context of a larger conversation, and only privately shared as such. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not engage in this form of rhetoric with any level of seriousness and the comment most certainly does not represent my real personal views in any regard. I apologize if anything that I said was either taken seriously, was offensive, or caused any legitimate concern.

Best Regards, Matt Harrigan

Since then, his statement has been removed and replaced with a new post that says the board of directions accepted Harrigan's resignation, effective immediately.

"We want to be very clear, PacketSled does not condone the comments made by Mr. Harrigan, which do not reflect the views or opinions of the company, its employees, investors or partners," the statement said.

You can read the posts compiled by a Reddit user below, but be warned -- it contains strong language:

Source: Reddit
