Dakota Access Pipeline protesters encourage people to deceive police using Facebook


People who are protesting the creation of the four-state Dakota Access oil pipeline have been arrested many times recently, but they think they have found away to make it stop.

It's simple -- all you have to do is login to Facebook.

For months, protesters have been supporting the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, CNN reports.

The $3.7 billion oil pipeline would transport crude oil from North Dakota to a processing center in Illinois.

Members of the tribe say the Dakota Access Pipeline threatens their water supply and sacred lands.

Tensions between protesters and police have spiked recently, and according to The New York Times, police arrested 142 activists fighting against the Dakota Access Pipeline construction on Thursday and Friday.

See photos of celebrities protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline:

The protesters now hope to get an upper hand on law enforcement by encouraging Facebook users to "overwhelm and confuse" the police, according to a post.

They want everyone to check-in at Standing Rock, North Dakota, and share this message with their friends online:

"The Morton County Sheriff's Department has been using Facebook check-ins to find out who is at Standing Rock in order to target them in attempts to disrupt the prayer camps. SO Water Protecters are calling on EVERYONE to check-in at Standing Rock, ND to overwhelm and confuse them. This is concrete action that can protect people putting their bodies and well-beings on the line that we can do without leaving our homes. Will you join me in Standing Rock?"

According to Daily Dot, police regularly use social media to identify illegal activity. Some departments purchase software that helps them better surveil Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for relevant information.

Protesters believe a flood of irrelevant check-ins would confuse the police and allow them to continue protesting.

Internet users have donated more than $1 million to a GoFundMe campaign in a show of support for protesters.

Ho Waste Wakiya Wicasa, who created the GoFundMe, wrote on the website that the funds will be used to supply the protester camp where more than 650 people are currently living.

In addition to protests, Daily Dot reports the Standing Rock Sioux are in the middle of a legal battle with Energy Transfer Partners, the company that is building the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The tribe hopes those legal actions will block the company's federal building permits.

