Donald Trump sets the internet on fire with line about 'bad hombres'


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton took the stage for the final presidential debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday night, refusing to shake hands before jumping into topics such as the Supreme Court and abortion. But it was a line from the Republican presidential nominee 15 minutes into the showdown during a discussion of immigration reform that set Twitter ablaze

"We have some bad hombres here and we're going to get them out," Trump said while talking about how he plans to combat illegal immigration.

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The billionaire businessman argued America has to do something about removing "drug lords" from America, before making the "bad hombres" statement.

See how Twitter reacted to the "hombres" line:

The "bad hombres" line instantly took off online, with many condemning or mocking his use of the term.

One user on Twitter said, "Donald, you are the disaster, "some bad Hombres" you just conceded the lost of the hispanic vote."

Many others on Twitter quickly began to turn the term into the next political meme.

"Bad Hombres is my new band. We do folk western covers of Bad Company songs," said another Twitter user.

RELATED: See photos from the tense showdown

The line quickly led to one of the most heated exchanges of the first hour of the debate, as Trump accused Clinton of wanting open borders and she slammed him as "ineffective,"

"He went to Mexico. Had a meeting with the Mexican president ... He choked," she said, a reference to his meeting with Mexican President Enrique Nieto.

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Nieto claimed after that meeting that he refused to have Mexico fund the border wall which Trump has repeatedly said would be paid for by Mexico.


Trump repeatedly lambasted Clinton's "weak" position on immigration, saying it would lead to a disaster on trade and create open borders. He also referenced the mothers of children slain by undocumented immigrants in the United States as a key motivation for his tougher immigration policy.

Clinton defended her position, and said she believes that giving undocumented immigrants legal status would ultimately improve the economy.
