Kid who wore Hitler costume to school won 'Best Dressed'

An Australian principal apologized for giving his school's "Best Dressed" award to a student who wore a Adolf Hitler costume.

The school was celebrating Book Week, which is an annual celebration of books that's been around since 1919.

According to ABC, the student asked if he could dress like Hitler, and a teacher gave him permission.

At the same time as the Book Week costume parade, the school was hosting a group of Jewish students.

Roger Herbert, the principal of St Philip's College, said he takes full responsibility.

He has apologized directly to the students.

Book Week celebrations have been quite controversial in the past few months.

A month ago, a mother celebrated a "parenting win" after she dressed her child in blackface.

After that, an Indigenous mother defending the blackface "parenting win" by recalling a time her child dressed in whiteface.

It doesn't stop there. A different Book Week parent dressed his son as Ben Cousins, an Australian football player, with baking powder (or "cocaine") on his nose.

St. Philip's released a statement saying that the fact a teacher let a student dress like Hitler was an "innocent mistake" by a teacher who is "respected, honorable and a lovely person who got it wrong on the day."

The statement defended the student's choice to get permission for his costume, and noted that he has an interest in history and politics.

"The student involved has an interest in history and politics and did the right thing by getting permission for his 'book week' costume," the statement said.

"We are reviewing our policies on these kind of events to ensure that nothing like this can happen again."
