Orphaned elephant finds a new home and a best friend

Orphaned Elephant Finds a New Home and a Best Friend
Orphaned Elephant Finds a New Home and a Best Friend

By: Shannon McDonald

After being orphaned at a young age, one little elephant finally has it all: a happy home, a tight-knit family and a best friend!

Gen Thong was just three years old when his mother died after being attacked by wasps. He was soon forced to work, and was giving rides to tourists.

Still, that didn't stop him from making the best of things. He lived alongside his grandmother, his aunt and his best friend, Boon Rott.

Kerri McCrea was working in the area, where she witnessed limited options for the elephants in captivity. She was inspired to start the Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary to help them and their owners.

McCrea told The Dodo the young elephant's tough upbringing impacted his behavior. Specifically, she recalled, "Gen Thong would lash out every so often, much like any four-year-old having a tantrum when they do not wish to do something."

Fortunately for everybody, those tantrums have come to an end since all four elephants are able to live at the Sanctuary where they are, "free to roam as much as possible, and live their lives how they choose."

McCrea says his owner is ecstatic to be able to keep Gen Thong in the forest.

As for Gen Thong himself, he's living his best life snacking on food, hanging with his aunt and best friend, and doing what appears to be the elephant version of "Tebowing."

Related: Take a look back at how we celebrate World Elephant Day:
