Commuters freaked out by snake on a train

Commuters Freaked Out By Snake on a Train
Commuters Freaked Out By Snake on a Train

Police were called after a man caused a scene on a train. The reports specifically said the man was, "revealing his snake."

Luckily, that wasn't a euphemism. They meant an actual snake, which is not great, but still better.

An Australian resident decided to take out a 3-foot-long jungle python for a joyride on the train around 1:00 a.m.

Turns out, that man has had better ideas before. People called the NSW Police Force who showed up to the scene, and as the police of 2016 do, proceeded to post about it on Facebook.

Apparently, the 20-year-old man was keeping the python in his backpack and took it out specifically to show other people on the train.

Police say, "a number of passengers were concerned for the welfare of the snake and contacted police."

The police said the man did not have a permit for the snake, but he did have a name for it: Bread.

This guy must have been confused. Samuel L. Jackson was talking about snakes on a plane, not on a train. Either way, that movie was a bust, and so was this move.

RELATED: Snakes where they aren't supposed to be
