Ocean explorers encounter a strange, beautiful creature

Aliens Do Exist! Ocean Explorers Encounter A Strange, Beautiful Creature
Aliens Do Exist! Ocean Explorers Encounter A Strange, Beautiful Creature

The experts involved with NOAA's Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas are pretty tough to stump, but one recently encountered sea creature presented a bit of a challenge.

The Okeanos Explorer crew captured the moment on video.

Upon catching a glimpse of the graceful and somewhat hypnotic white figure the team expresses confusion about exactly what it is they are seeing.

SEE ALSO: Squids are getting bigger and taking over the ocean

Ultimately, it is decided the underwater marvel in question is benthic ctenophore.

These creatures are typically found in the water column, but this particular sort has adapted to live on the substrate.

Based on how calm and at peace the benthic ctenophore looks, that acclimation process was a huge success.

See other undersea creatures:
