Baby chick hatches from shop owner’s shipment of eggs

A Bangkok grocery store owner got a surprise in her shipment of eggs.

Khun Pukpik was stunned when a baby chick sprung from the inventory. The baby bird was still sitting in the cracked shells in a tray filled with dozens of brown eggs.

Pukpik filmed the yellow-feathered chick sticking its little head and wings out of the egg. She then removed the baby from the tray and placed it in a cardboard box.

“I was a bit surprised when I noticed the chick moving in the tray,” Pukpik told Newsflare. “We all agreed to keep it as a pet. It was so lucky, not to be eaten as Balut.”

Balut is a common street food in southeast Asia. The treat is a boiled fertilized egg, usually duck, with a partially developed embryo inside. The eggs at the grocery store are usually unfertilized so it’s unlikely they’ll hatch. Most commercial egg producers separate female and male fowl soon after birth. The hens are able to lay eggs without the help of a rooster.

However, some retailers do sell fertilized eggs, but even those are not embryos until they are incubated with heat. Prior to factory farms, when eggs were sold straight from farms, it’s likely some were fertilized. Fortunately, there’s no harm in eating a fertilized egg even if one manages to slip in.

While there have been stories of people incubating fertilized eggs from the supermarket and creating their own pet chicks, Pukpik’s new pet is a mere happy accident!

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