Prince William and Kate Middleton visit the London Ambulance service amid coronavirus concerns

Prince William and Kate Middleton visit the London Ambulance service amid coronavirus concerns

Prince William and Kate Middleton are lending their support to the emergency responders in Great Britain, who are currently helping treat and manage the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made a private visit to the London Ambulance Service's 111 control room in Croydon, England, on Thursday.

The staff take NHS 111 calls. These calls are for people seeking medical advice who are unable to or unsure of whether they should go in to see a doctor. The control rooms are currently receiving at least five times the amount of usual calls.

Kate wore a pink suit look and heels to the visit, while William donned a navy suit jacket and sweater. The royals gave small bows in greeting rather than shaking hands. They were both seen using sanitizer upon entering the center.

William spoke at the private meeting, telling the staff, "The last few weeks, and more recent days, have been understandably concerning with the continuing spread of coronavirus. But it's at times like this when we realize just how much the NHS represents the very best of our country and society."

The NHS is the National Health Service in Great Britain -- a universal healthcare system that provides free services to all residents.

“Not only are NHS staff and emergency workers responding to the needs of the public, they – like the rest of us – are concerned about their families, friends and loved ones. They need our support as much as we need theirs," William said. "That is why Catherine and I were proud to visit staff working at NHS 111, to pass on our personal thanks, along with those of my grandmother and father, to staff working around the clock to provide care and advice to those that need it most. It was also brilliant to see the great online tools for those with mild symptoms or worries."

William's 71-year-old father, Prince Charles, recently canceled his royal tour with wife Camilla. And his 93-year-old grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, and 98-year-old grandfather, Prince Philip, have relocated to Windsor Castle amid the outbreak.

His two eldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, are now home and practicing online learning as their school, Thomas's Battersea in London has closed down.

For more on how the royals are coping with the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, watch the clip below:


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