Twitter users dumbfounded by woman’s ‘disgusting’ bath video: ‘How do you even get that out of your tub?’


A college student is confounding the internet with a video that left social media users with far more questions than answers.

The clip, posted by Dakota Hamilton, shows the 20-year-old relaxing inside her bathtub — which is inexplicably filled with Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

“Omg so needed after this stressful day,” Hamilton tweeted with her video, which has been viewed more than 8 million times.

Hamilton’s video spawned thousands of confused comments, with Twitter users questioning everything from how she made the bath to the health consequences of bathing in spicy junk food.

“I have so many questions. How many Costco-sized bags of hot Cheetos are in there, and how did you clean that up? Would you do this again? Did you notice a difference in your skin later on? The next day? Also, what was in the glass?” one user wrote, referring to a wine glass that appears to contain liquid from the tub.

“How do you even get that out of your tub?” another asked.

A lot about the bath still remains unclear, but Hamilton did tell Insider that she doesn’t normally clean herself with Cheetos. The Arizona State University student said she actually filmed the video to help a friend with a project. Needless to say, she was shocked by the response.

“Usually my posts get maybe ten likes and I woke up to over 300,000 views and it kept growing,” she told Insider.

Plenty of Twitter users called the clip “disgusting,” but most just seemed worried about the aftermath.

“I can only imagine what her and her bathroom smell like,” one user wrote.
