7 random things I've bought on Amazon so far in 2020


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I'm a big Amazon shopper. Maybe one of the biggest out there. I've bought wedding guest dresses, furnished my entire apartment and have my coconut water on auto-delivery. I guess you can say Alexa and I have become close friends over the years.

It's also the easiest shopping destination of all time. With my address and credit card information already saved, the two-day Prime shipping with no extra cost makes it even more desirable. And while we're only one week into the new year, my Amazon cart has been pretty stocked.

From suede-spray to studded boots and an electric skillet, I'm sharing a glimpse into my incredibly random Amazon order history from 2020. Everything has been tried and tested by yours truly, and I couldn't be happier with my purchases.

Shop: Wander Agio Warm Winter Blanket Scarf, $11.99

Trust me when I say this is the best scarf you will ever own given the cost of $12. It's an oversized blanket scarf that is cozy beyond words. So much so, I ended up ordering 3 more colors for my friends! (Here's to hoping they don't read this and find out I bought them a gift on Amazon for $11.99.)

Shop: Casual Thick Low-Cut No Show Socks (10 Pack), $13.99

Anyone else like to go into the new year with fresh socks? These are perfect for someone who lives in sneakers because they don't peek over your shoes.

Shop: Zuzoro - 6-Pack Juice & Beverage Clear Glass Reusable Bottles, $17.95

Am I someone who juice-cleanses? Definitely not. But I am trying to work on reducing plastic waste in the new year and this 6-pack of reusable water bottles for under $20 is a no brainer. I plan on pre-making iced coffee for the week and storing it in these bottles.

Shop: Seven Dials Studded Chelsea Boot, $69.00

Just before the New Year, I met a super chic woman in the bathroom of a restaurant and instantly complimented her Alexander Wang boots that I had just seen walk the runway. After she thanked me, she whispered that they were actually an exact replica from Amazon. Google 'Alexander Wang Spencer Boot' and see for yourself!

Shop: Elite Cuisine Electric Skillet, $17.47

With the cooking gas being turned off in my apartment building for a few months now (typical NYC problems), I've decided to give my air fryer a break and order this cheap electric skillet. I didn't feel the need to splurge as I am hoping this is just a temporary gadget. Never thought I'd miss my oven this much.

Shop: Bickmore Suede and Leather Waterproofing Spray Guard, $12.95

After months of hunting down the warmest yet coolest winer coat I could possibly find, I did it. Discovering a half-suede-half-puffer jacket fulfilled all of my winter fashion fantasies. The only problem? The hood is suede, which totally defeats the purpose when it rains or snows. I ended up purchasing this best-selling Waterproofing Spray Guard to protect my jacket and all of my suede and leather boots for the season.

Shop: Women's Silicone Nipple Covers (4 pack), $7.99

If you're a female you get it: plunging necklines, sheer tops, backless dresses -- Nipple petals are the holy grail of getting dressed when a bra fails you.