What Carrie Underwood eats in a day

Carrie Underwood has a lot to be proud of.

The 36-year-old American Idol alum and songwriter is not just one of the world's best selling artists. The country music star has a lot of accomplishments under her belt, but one of her proudest is being a working mom.

See more: Carrie Underwood over the years

So, how does she do it all, while walking the red carpet, touring the country,recording albums AND looking flawlessly fit? Carrie divulged all her health secrets to Cosmopolitan, and her fitness and wellness tips seem surprisingly manageable. She makes juggling a vegan lifestyle with her athlete husband's diet and kids' look easy.

For breakfast, it's usually Kashi cereal, vegan breakfast burritos or a tofu scramble. She tracks her diet and keeps a food journal, because much like the rest of us, her stomach is a "bottomless pit".

"It's like there's no sensor between my stomach and brain that says, 'Hey, you're full, stop eating!' Once I recognized that about myself, I started tracking my diet, which helps me make better choices and pay attention to what I'm eating," she said to Cosmopolitan.

Carrie tries not to order in or eat out, because she "likes knowing what's in [her] food, and it's hard to tell when someone else makes it for you." So, she cooks.

For lunch, it's usually a sandwich with Ezekiel bread and tofurkey, with lots of mustard. Throughout the day, Carrie will snack on snack cereal, seitan jerky or a peanut butter-topped English muffin. Dinner is usually filled with proteins like beans or tofu with whole wheat pasta.

And for dessert? Dark chocolate.

Related: Celebrities who are vegan
