This comedian and Youtuber is dedicated to taking the 'hell' out of 'healthy'


Talia Pollack is a New York-based comedian, YouTuber and podcaster who founded the wellness platform Party In My Plants.

"I just was in love with the idea of using words to diffuse other peoples struggles. I want to use my passion for making people laugh to actually inspire them to make change."

Pollack began performing stand up about healthy living and had a realization that the best way to combine her love of comedy, words and wellness was by creating a podcast.

Party In My Plants abides by the tagline “this is the show that makes healthy living not suck" or in other words, tools that "help you take the hell out of healthy living."

For Pollack, the most important thing for her clients and subscribers to realize is that choosing to embark on a journey of wellness doesn't mean radically changing your every day life -- in fact, it should be the opositte:

“We shouldn’t readjust our life to accommodate our healthy diets. I think we want to fit these amazing, energizing and nutrient-dense foods into our lives — not the other way around.”

Watch the video above to learn more about Party In My Plants and Pollack's mission.
