9-year-old child genius graduating college with an engineering degree: 'Like a sponge'


When we were learning our basic addition rules and learning to spell, one child was graduating university and preparing to embark on a PhD program...while also studying "a bit of medicine."

Laurent Simons, a child prodigy from Belgium with an IQ of 145, is making headlines for his incredible accomplishments at only nine. A student in electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Simons has been described as "simply extraordinary" by professors and peers alike.

"They noticed something very special about Laurent," said mom Lydia Simons to CNN. "They told us he is like a sponge," echoed his father, Alexander.

Over the years, he's received test after test as teachers strived to calculate the extent of his intelligence. Explained his mentor, Peter Baltus, to The New York Times: “Laurent’s absorption capacity is very high, which means that everything goes much faster and we can cover a lot more material in a short span of time. It’s been quite special and enjoyable.”

Another to-do on Laurent's list after graduating a three-year program in 10 months? A life goal of developing artificial organs. While the youngster hopes to focus on research "applying the knowledge to discover new things," says his father, the Simons also encourage their son to be a regular child.

"We don't want him to get too serious. He does whatever he likes," said his dad. "We need to find a balance between being a child and his talents," he explained of his son's love of playing videogames on his smartphone.

“I’m quite lazy," Laurent said.

We're doubtful.
