Halloween prank: Oklahoma dad freaks out daughter with outrageous Area 51 costume

An Oklahoma dad is going viral after his daughter shared a video of his outrageous prank attempt.

Anna Beffer, a woman from Tulsa, Okla., posted footage of her father showing off his Halloween costume fo Facebook earlier this month.

In it, Beffer's dad can be seen donning an inflatable alien costume in front of their home. The outfit features a bodysuit that makes it appear as though someone is being kidnapped by extraterrestrials.

"Had to share this," Beffer's post said. "My dad just... wow."

Beffer's dad seemed more than willing to commit to the prank, pretending that an alien was snatching him from their house. First, he can be seen running up to the front door, begging for help.

"It's real! Area 51! They let them loose," her father says in the video. "Help me! What are you running away for?"

He then sprints over to a tree, clinging onto the trunk for dear life as though the green space creature is trying to pry him away.

"Stop! Help me! Call Diane!" Beffer's dad says as he runs out of view behind the house.

The post, which now has 19 million views and has been shared nearly 600,000 times, has plenty of compliments from other Facebook users.

"Every time this comes up on my newsfeed I watch it. Love it! Your dad is hilarious," one commenter said.

"My daughter would LOVE if my Dad would do this omg. I have to find out how to find this costume lol," another commented.

Some even chimed in with their own suggestions, such as trying out the prank in public places — like a Walmart parking lot. Others suggested purchasing the costume for their own dads, ensuring there will be plenty more videos like Beffer's to come.
