This UV phone sanitizer will cleanse your cell of all germs


Did you know that phone screens are 10 times dirtier than most toilets? Let's face it — our phones are gross! It's time to make cleaning your cell part of your daily routine, and PhoneSoap can help with that.

PhoneSoap is the first UV-C cell sanitizer and charger. Unlike most cleaning products, this device has two germicidal UV bulbs that have apparently been proven to wipe your phone of (almost all) germs. The company claims to kill a whopping 99.99% of bacteria and germs during the phone's "treatment."

Discovery Channel has even tested the product and proven the UV lights to wipe most germs!

If that didn't sound awesome enough, the sanitizing case also comes with a charging port so you can charge your phone and keep it sparkling clean at the same time.

Still not sure if this cleaning method is for you? PhoneSoap doesn't discriminate: It fits all smartphones. Even the oversized models like the iPhone 8+ and the Galaxy S10+. PhoneSoap will even clean other items that fit inside. We're talking headphones, keys and baby rattles.

PhoneSoap has also been featured on well-known TV shows, such as Shark Tank, Good Morning America and QVC. With how often we use our phones, it's time to take better care of them.

Gets yours now on Amazon.