This flower petal snack box is the smartest way to hold treats

If you love hosting every party and get-together, and truly consider yourself the host with the most, then there's a good chance that you have tons and tons of serveware. While pretty plates and bowls are great, we're here to share our new favorite way to serve and store our go-to snacks.

This Flower Petal Rotating Candy Box is now, without a doubt, one of our party-throwing essentials. Simply twist the white knob on top of the flower and reveal five hidden snack drawers (see it in action in the video above)!

Shop: Flower Petal Rotating Candy Box, $15.09

Credit: Amazon

This snack box not only makes for a fun presentation (it comes in both blue and pink colors), but it also is the perfect gift to take along to any holiday party or gathering. And since you can fill up the box and then close it, this product travels well. Honestly, seeing as its just $15, we might have to buy two.

Shop this innovative foodie find above and shop more of our favorite kitchen products below!