Prince George’s 2nd grade course load is seriously rigorous

The first day of school is fast approaching (September 5!) for Prince George and things are about to get intense.

The 6-year-old prince may only be entering second grade, but his curriculum for the upcoming school year is all sorts of demanding. In order to prepare for his role as the future king, Prince George will be honing core competencies like English, science, history, geography and math. But the learning doesn’t stop there. George and his classmates will also explore music, drama, French, religious studies, computing, art/design technology, physical education and even ballet. In class, they’ll also develop language skills by reading aloud, telling stories and reciting poetry.

In addition to upping the ante on studies, Prince George will also be encouraged to nurture his own unique strengths. According to a statement from Helen Haslem, head of the Lower School, on the Thomas’s Battersea website, “The curriculum presented in Year 2 reflects the increased ability of the children, both academically and socially. It sees the completion of the basic skills in literacy and numeracy in Key Stage 1. Individual strengths and talents begin to emerge, which you will undoubtedly begin to see.”

The school website goes on to say that children in George’s year will also be asked to write their assignments down to increase their independence. As far as homework goes, Prince George can expect ten minutes of reading homework nightly, a regular spelling test and twenty minutes of something like times tables, research or a short creative writing prompt.

Prince George’s after-school activities are also ramping up. He’ll reportedly attend a 35-minute French class once a week, a 40-minute weekly drama class and a music class twice a week that will cover classical virtuosos like Mozart and Beethoven. He’ll also continue his ballet efforts with a 35-minute lesson weekly.

That’s one busy (and highly stimulated) 6-year-old…

