Wellness Wednesday: The top things you need to know for your heart health

It's well known what has to go into making a healthy heart. Everything from fruits and vegetables, exercise to stress reduction has been proven to have cardiac benefits and do wonders for our cardiovascular system, but how much do you know about what is toxic to your heart?

Dr. Karen Latimer is taking us through the biggest toxins for our cardiovascular health in this week's episode of Wellness Wednesdays.


"Don't start," Latimer explains. While it isn't so easy to quit, the damage that smoking does extends far beyond the lungs and into the arteries. Smoking also presents a higher risk of blood clots and reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood.


She asserts: "Sleep isn't just a luxury. It's an active time of healing for your body and mind." Even inconsistent or poor sleep can cause high blood pressure, diabetes and depression. And yes, snoring is a red flag and can be linked to a variety of cardiac issues.


"When you're taking care of your teeth, you aren't only protecting your smile. Some studies show you are protecting your heart," Latimer argues. Brushing, flossing and maintaining dentist appointments can all help your heart.


Sitting is being called the new smoking because of how detrimental it is to your health. "Too much sitting can cause heart disease, dementia, anxiety and more," she says. Standing desks can benefit your heart immensely.


Salty snacking, trans fats and processed foods will manifest itself over time in your health. From increased strain on the heart to increased cholesterol, it's important to know the impact your lifestyle choices have on your body. "Choose foods closer to the farm and farther away from the factory," Latimer simplifies.

Watch the video above to see more of Dr. Latimer's tips for a healthy heart!

